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PG Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry : An Overview

Dr. Bhavna Kaul

The Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry at Indira Gandhi Government Dental College, Jammu provides total dental care to children from birth through adolescence including children with special health care needs.

The Faculty offers a dynamic and unique suite of undergraduate and postgraduate programs designed to produce dental practitioners and research oriented postgraduates of the highest calibre and international standing.

Undergraduates are trained to develop necessary clinical skills for providing basic dental care to children with emphasis on preventive dentistry. Postgraduates are trained in all aspects of advanced paediatric dentistry including care of very young children and specially abled children.

Key features

A child friendly department area which is a ‘visual treat for children’featured with State of the art equipment’s.

Facility for provision of dental care under chairside general anaesthesia for very young, extremely uncooperative and disabled children.

Strong Emphasis on prevention of oro-dental diseases in children by providing preventive procedures and appropriate parent and child counselling.

Core Competencies

➀ Dental extractions.
➁ Endodontic treatment of primary, young permanent and permanent teeth.
➂ Management of oral habits and malocclusions in children.
➃ Full mouth rehabilitation.
➄ Dental care for Special Health Care needs children
➅ Aesthetic paediatric dentistry.
➆ Preventive dentistry.
➇ Dental appliances.

Details of Techning & Non Teaching Staff

S.No Name Designation Location Contact No.
#. Dr. Rakesh Krishan Gupta Principal & Prof. +91-94191-98933
01. Dr. Bhavna Kaul Prof. & HOD +91-94191-22288
02. Dr. Shalan Kaul Asst. Prof. +91-78897-80573
03. Dr. Nanika Mahajan Lecturer +91-94192-60565